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S. No. Vacancy Notice No. Vacancy Last Date Remarks Link to Apply
01 K-RIDE/HR/195/Vacancy Notification /02 /2025 Recruitment for various positions on  Deputation /Contractual Basis 31/03/2025 Notification OPEN Apply Now
02 K-RlDE/HR/195/Vacancy Notification/01/2025 Executive Director/GeneralManager/E9/E8(Procurement) 21/02/2025 Notification CLOSED Apply Now
03 K-RIDE/HR/195/Vacancy Notification/08/2024 Recruitment for post of General Manager(Procurement) 23/01/2025 Notification CLOSED Vacancy advertisement no.35/2024 dated 24/12/2024  stands cancelled.
04 K-RIDE/HR/195/Vacancy Notification/07/2024 Recruitment for post of Executive Director(Systems) on Deputation/Contractual Basis 16/12/2024 CLOSED
05 K-RIDE/HR/195/Vacancy Notification/06/2024 Recruitment for Various Positions on Deputation/Contractual Basis 06/11/2024 Notification
06 K-RIDE/HR/195/Vacancy Notification/05/2024 Recruitment for various position on Deputation/Contractual Basis 29/07/2024 Notification
07 K-RIDE/HR/195/Vacancy Notification/04/2024 Recruitment for various position on Deputation/Contractual Basis 18/07/2024 Notification
08   Empanelment and Engagement of well-experienced Retired personnel (above 60 years) who have worked in Central Government / State Government / PSUs  and  Reputed private organizations with minimum turnover of Rs 250 crore in the latest financial year, having considerable experience in Railway infrastructure projects/Metro projects in the domains ofCivil Engineering / Overhead Electrification (OHE) in Railways / Signal &Telecom /  Rolling stock /Land Acquisition/Industrial Relations as Consultants on contract basis.
No Date OPEN Apply Now
09 KRIDE/HR/02/Rectt./Phase2&3/BSRP/2023 Notification for filling up the post of MD/KRIDE – Vacancy Notice No.29/2023 Dt.18.09.023
Notification for MD KRIDE
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