Partner with us – Apply for our Tenders

For the tenders floated from 20.01.2023 please visit the KPPP portal (click here) and for all other tenders please visit the website (click here)

For Paying cost of tender documents/tender fee @ CPP Portal, kindly refer to account details provided for EMD/Bid Security in Bid Data Sheet (BDS) of respective tenders.

Tender Number Tenders Details Publish Date Last Date Remarks
KRIDE/2024-25/EL/WORK_INDENT27 Shifting of Electrical Utilities / Street Lights / Any Other HT/LT Electrical Equipments Infringing to Various Corridors of K-Ride For The Period of Two Years On Percentage Basis (%) Under Lumpsum Contract 06-03-2025 07-04-2025 OPEN
Tender Document
KRIDE/2024-25/SE00010/CALL- 2 Providing of Skilled Manpower, Housekeeping and Security Services on Outsource basis to K – RIDE Offices/Field Work 17-01-2025 27-01-2025 CLOSED
Corrigendum 1
Response to Pre bid Querries
Example for Quoting financial bid
Providing Skilled Manpower for the Offices
K-RIDE/BSRP/PST/C2&C4/2024 Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of Receiving Substation with incoming Cabling from Grid Substation including 25 kV-AC Traction cum 33kV Auxiliary Main Sub- Stations, 25kV Overhead Equipment (FOCS), Auxiliary Power Supply & Other Associated Works on Viaduct, At-Grade & Stations including Soladevanahalli Depot and SCADA System for complete Corridor 2 & Corridor 4 of BSRP and includes any modification in existing OHE /PSI if required along the alignment of C2 and C4. 26-11-2024 10-04-2025 OPEN
PST Corrigendum 3
PST Corrigendum 2
Tender Document .rar
Tender Drawings 1 of 3 .rar
Tender Drawings 2 of 3 .rar
Tender Drawings 3 of 3 .rar
KRIDE/BSRP/S&T/2024 Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Signalling and Train Control System and Telecommunication Systems for Bengaluru Suburban Rail Project. 21-10-2024 21-04-2025 OPEN
Tender Document
Tender Drawings 1 of 2 .rar
Tender Drawings 2 of 2 .rar
KRIDE/BSRP/C2&C4-1080HH/Rail/2024 Supply of 19000 MT 60E1 (UIC 60), 1080 HH Grade Rails as per IRS-T-12-2009 (Latest with all A&C slips), for Bengaluru Suburban Railway Project (BSRP) 06-09-2024 30-01-2025 CLOSED
Corrigendum 15
Corrigendum 14
Corrigendum 13
Corrigendum 12
Corrigendum 11
Corrigendum 10
Corrigednum 9
Corrigendum 8
Corrigendum 7
Corrigendum 6
Corrigendum 5
Corrigendum 4
Corrigendum 3
Corrigendum 2
Tender Document
Tender Notice 1
Response to Pre-Bid Queries 1080HH Rails
Corrigendum 1